
  • Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness. It is characterized by loss of vision due to damage to the optic nerve. In most cases, the cause of glaucoma is an increase in pressure within the eye that damages the nerve. Thankfully, there are treatment options available. By managing and monitoring the disease closely and implementing a treatment plan - typically via eye drops and/or surgery - it is possible to prevent further vision loss due to glaucoma.

  • What are the symptoms of Glaucoma?

    Glaucoma signs and symptoms typically develop over a period of years and are often detected during routine eye checks. The initial signs of glaucoma tend to be diminished peripheral vision, with both eyes usually being affected.

  • Treatment options for Glaucoma

    An early diagnosis of glaucoma may help preserve your vision. You will not go blind if your glaucoma is diagnosed early enough and you follow your treatment as instructed. Unfortunately, any loss of vision due to glaucoma cannot be reversed.

    If you are looking for treatment options for Glaucoma, plan a consultation with Prof. Marco Mura at the Department of Ophthalmology Arcispedale Sant’Anna in Ferrara or at Casa di Cura Toniolo in Bologna, Italy.

Eye diseases & treatments

Please note that the diseases and surgeries mentioned represent just a selection from a broad spectrum of ocular conditions, treatments, and surgical procedures Dr. Mura is proficient in managing. If you are looking for treatment options, please plan a consultation at the Department of Ophthalmology Arcispedale Sant’Anna in Ferrara or at Casa di Cura Toniolo in Bologna, Italy.