Epiretinal Membrane

  • What is Epiretinal Membrane

    An epiretinal membrane (Macula Pucker) is a thin sheet of proliferated retina glial cells that develops on the surface of the macula and can cause problems with central vision. 20% of patients with a Macula Pucker have it in both their eyes.

  • Symptoms of Epiretinal Membrane

    • Blurring of central vision

    • Distortion of central vision (Metamorphopsia)

  • CAUSES OF Epiretinal Membrane

    As people age, the vitreous inside of their eyes can pull away from the retina - resulting in epiretinal membranes. This is more common among those over 50. Epiretinal membranes may also form due to inflammation or post-surgical healing processes within the eye.

  • Treatment options for Cataract

    To treat an epiretinal membrane, a vitrectomy is needed. During the procedure, precise incisions are made in your eye to access and remove the vitreous material from within - allowing surgeons to delicately peel away any membrane present on your retina.

    If you are looking for surgical treatment options for Epiretinal membrane, schedule a consultation with Prof. Marco Mura at the Department of Ophthalmology Arcispedale Sant’Anna in Ferrara or at Casa di Cura Toniolo in Bologna, Italy.

Eye diseases & treatments

Please note that the diseases and surgeries mentioned represent just a selection from a broad spectrum of ocular conditions, treatments, and surgical procedures Dr. Mura is proficient in managing. If you are looking for treatment options, please plan a consultation at the Department of Ophthalmology Arcispedale Sant’Anna in Ferrara or at Casa di Cura Toniolo in Bologna, Italy.